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中国矿业大学考点雅思考生入校须知感谢您报考中国矿业大学考点的雅思考试。为确保您顺利、有序完成考试,请务必知晓并遵守以下入校规定。感谢各位考生的配合。 ·       到达考点:您的机考/口试考点位于中国矿业大学南湖校区,考试日考生进入校区的唯一通道为学校北门,所有考生(包括18岁以下考生)家长、陪考人员一律禁止入校。出租车、网约车和私家车等社会车辆禁止入校。雅思考场入口处从外国语言文化学院B区东侧楼梯上四楼。 ·       证件要求:考生须携带与报名一致且有效的身份证件原件及准考证参加考试。请出示与报考时一致的有效身份证件原件(境内考生若使用护照报名,请同时携带身份证以备核查)和准考证进入校园。 ·       到达时间提醒:请各位考生务必留意以下时点,并预留足够入校检查和校内交通时间,以免迟到。口试:请至少提前30分钟到达考点,口试截止入场时间为口试时间前15分钟。机考:上午场笔试:08:00AM开始进场,入场截止时间为08:30AM;下午场笔试:13:00 PM 开始入场,入场截止时间为13:30 PM。 ·       其他要求:我们建议考生佩戴口罩参加考试,以减少呼吸道疾病传染的可能。请在考试前密切关注本站公告,如有变更恕不另行通知。如有疑问,欢迎联系考点:0516-83591632王老师 预祝您考试顺利! 中国矿业大学雅思考点2023年4月12日               Admission Instructions for IELTS Test Takers Thank you for registering for the IELTS test at China University of Mining and Technology. To ensure that you have a smooth and orderly test experience, please be aware of and comply with the following regulations. Thank you for your cooperation.·           Arrive at the Test Center:Your Computer-delivered test/Speaking test will take place at Nanhu Campus  of China University of Mining and Technology.  Only through the North Gate of Nanhu Campus must enter the candidates on the date of test. Parents / companions of the candidates (including those under 18 years old) are prohibited from entering the campus. Taxi, hired cars and private cars are prohibited from entering the campus.The entrance to the IELTS test room is on the 4th floor from the east stairs of Block B of the School of Foreign Studies.·           Identification Document Requirements:Candidates must bring the original and valid ID document and admission ticket that match the registration information to attend the test. Show your ID (effective National ID card and/or Passport) and Admission Ticket for entrance.·           Reminder of Arrival Time:Candidates must pay attention to the following times and allow enough time for entry inspection and on-campus transportation to avoid being late.Speaking test: Please arrive at least 30 minutes before the test, and the deadline for admission is 15 minutes before the test.Computer-delivered test: AM Sitting: Entry starts at 08:00 AM, the entry deadline is 08:30 AM; PM1 Sitting: Entry starts at 13:00 PM, the entry deadline is 13:30 PM.·           Other Requirements:We recommend that candidates wear masks during the test to reduce the risk of respiratory disease transmission.Please keep close eye on this notice before your test day as there will be no separate notice if there’s further changes. If you have any questions, please contact the test center:  0516-83591632  Mr.WangWe wish you success for your IELTS test!China University of Mining and Technology IELTS Test CentreApril 12th, 2023